Let’s look at 5 ways you can approach and set new goals for yourself in the new year that will put you in a great position to reach your overall health and fitness goals.

Many people will set new and exciting fitness goals with the new year approaching. Whether that’s getting in shape, losing weight, gaining muscle, or just getting healthier, everyone is looking forward to what is possible in the coming year.

But as many have found out in the past, the excitement of the moment can quickly be met with feelings of being overwhelmed, as the new goals set to help create more happiness in their lives have instead created what appears to be a mountain of possibilities.

When goal setting, it’s important to take the right approach, and they’ll have the right mindset to successfully reach their health and fitness targets. Doing so will increase your chances of success and relieve the mental and emotional burdens and stresses you might encounter without proper goal setting.

Let’s look at 5 ways you can approach and set new goals for yourself in the new year that will put you in a great position to reach your overall health and fitness goals.

lacking in exercise

Make Realistic And Achievable Goals

Excitement about new possibilities is a good thing, but it can sometimes lead to over-exaggeration or over-estimating of what is realistic in terms of goal setting.

Creating goals that are achievable or not within reach can be incredibly demoralizing and cause one to lose confidence and give up too soon. Creating realistic and achievable goals is a key tenant of proper goal setting.

This will create an environment and mindset that will put you on the right path toward reaching your goals.


Taking Small Steps Towards Your Goals Is OK

Rome wasn’t built in a day. In fact, it took over 1000 years to build.

Big goals require a big commitment and often extended periods. Understanding this simple fact means that taking baby steps toward your goals may not just be good advice; it might be a requirement for success. Your new goals are a process that takes time.

Embrace and enjoy that, and allow yourself the ability to take it slow, especially in the beginning.


Accept That Without Challenge, There Is No Change

Envisioning a new and healthier version of yourself can be exciting, but when the rubber meets the road, and it’s time to take action, reality can sit in quickly.

This is the point where you are looking at your first challenges face-to-face. 

In reality, all good change is created by being challenged. Without the challenge, there can be no change. When those hard times come especially in the beginning, remember that it is not a sign of being on the wrong journey; it’s a sign that you’re actually on the right one.


Good Workout Routines to Start With

Don’t Wing It. Plan It.

Embarking on a new fitness journey doesn’t just require setting new goals and having ambition; it also requires action.

But staying in action day in and day out requires more than just winging it. It requires planning and proactive time management. Whether that means building a new diet or workout plan, trips to the gym, rest days, you name it, it all requires planning.

Planning is the surest way to achieve consistency, which is the foundation of your fitness and wellness success.


Failing Is OK: Giving Up In Not

As you begin to embrace this new era of your life and start facing new challenges head-on, there will be times when things don’t work out as planned.

In fact, there are going to be some times that you just completely drop the ball.

While some might see this as a sign to walk away and abandon the healthier future version of themselves, they should look at these failures as a process necessity.

Every process has times when things don’t go as planned and don’t work out at all. This is OK as long as you don’t abandon the process altogether.

Take these moments of failure and your shortcomings as an opportunity to learn and expand your commitment to a better version of yourself.

Falling off the track is OK, as long as you get back on it.

Rob Wagener –

National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. Reviewer of things. Bowflex Bro. Married to a 10. 3 kids that don’t hate me. Corvettes and Cardinals. Physically in the midwest, but emotionally universal like an off-brand remote control.


Rob Wagener

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