Shoulder Exercises – Everyone’s probably heard the term “boulder shoulders,” and you may be wondering how one can achieve more size and definition in your shoulders. Here are some of our favourite exercises to build those shoulders, and target the three heads of the deltoids!

1. Shoulder Presses

Done in a seated position, shoulder presses can be done with dumbbells or with a barbell, although both have their advantages. With dumbbells, it would allow you to work and strengthen both sides equally, and hit the lateral deltoids more than what you would with a barbell. Make sure to have your elbows a bit more in during this exercise rather than straight out to your sides so that you’re not putting as much of a strain on your rotator cuffs.

Shoulder presses
Arnold Presses for shoulders

2. Arnold Presses

An arnold press is a fantastic exercise to build your shoulders and strength, aimed to hit all 3 heads of the deltoids. A seated arnold press can be added to your push day, and is easy to set up. Seated in an adjustable bench, make sure that your palms are facing you in the bottom position, and to rotate in a controlled, fluid motion upwards until your palms are facing forward.

3. Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Lateral raises are known to build the “boulder shoulder” look, and can be done standing up, leaning against a bench, or sitting down. By leaning your chest against the bench or on your knees limits how much your torso can sway and utilize momentum to get the weights up, and therefore puts more emphasis on your shoulders and lats.

Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Upright Barbell Row for shoulders

4. Upright Barbell Row

Upright barbell rows are a great way to target your anterior and side deltoids, and overall increase the size and strength of your shoulders. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip at about shoulder width or a bit narrower. Use your shoulders to lift the bar by raising your elbows up to the side.

5. Cable Face Pulls

Face pulls are a great way to target your upper back and shoulders, and it also provides constant tension throughout the movement. Hold the rope attachment with an overhand grip and pull it towards you until it reaches the side of your face. Hold at the peak of the movement and repeat, and make sure to keep your torso and body stable without moving back to pull the cable.

Cable Face Pulls for shoulders
Barbell Overhead Presses

7. Barbell Overhead Press

The overhead press is another great alternative that allows you to strengthen all three heads of the deltoids, and can also assist and translate into your bench press and other chest exercises. With the bar in front of you with a wider than shoulder-width grip, and place the bar on the bottom of your palm. Press the barbell overhead in a controlled, slow push until you hit the top of the movement and slowly lower it back down.

To learn more, visit Train Fitness.

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