Get ready to say goodbye to your ‘quarantine 15’ and hello to your ‘recomposition 20’! Yes, you heard it, right folks, it’s time to give your body a makeover. Don’t worry, you don’t have to join a cult, perform a rain dance, or sacrifice your favorite pair of sweatpants. Just buckle up and get ready for a wild ride filled with sweat, tears, gains, and body recomposition!  


Ok, it’s time to answer the question – What is body recomposition? You may have heard the term ‘body recomposition’ floating around in the gym, but what does it actually mean? Well, let us break it down for you in a way that’s easy to digest (unlike that triple cheeseburger you had for lunch). Body recomposition is when you change the composition of your body, meaning you trade in your chubby physique for a leaner and meaner one, rather than just aiming to lose weight. It’s like upgrading from a flip phone to an iPhone – you still make calls, but now you can take TikTok videos in slow-motion and Instagram your gains. So, get ready to switch things up and never ask yourself what body recomposition is again.

body recomposition
body recomposition
Can you build muscle on a calorie deficit?


Can you build muscle in a calorie deficit? Well, the good news is, you can have your protein shake and drink it too! Yes, you heard it right, you can build muscle even while in a calorie deficit. It’s like having your cake and eating it too, but with less cake. The secret is all about finding the right balance between protein intake, strength training, and managing your caloric intake. So, grab your weights, put on your game face, and get ready to turn your skinny arms into guns, without sacrificing your abs of steel. Let’s get to work! But, hold on, it’s not a walk in the park. Building muscle while in a calorie deficit requires patience, persistence, and a solid plan. You can’t just eat your way out of a deficit and expect to build muscle, it takes proper nutrition and a well-designed workout plan to see results. And, let’s be real, you won’t see results overnight. It’s a slow and steady process, but the reward is a body that’s both strong and lean. So, don’t give up, stay the course, and keep pushing yourself. The end result will be worth it, trust us.


Have you ever heard the phrase ‘look good, feel good’? Well, there’s definitely some truth to it! When you take care of your body, both inside and out, it has a positive impact on your self-confidence and overall well-being.  Don’t get discouraged by the scale because muscle weighs more than fat. So even if the number on the scale doesn’t change much, you may still be making progress in terms of body composition. By transforming your body through building muscle and losing fat, you not only improve your physical appearance but also your mental and emotional state. When you feel confident and proud of your body, it radiates in all areas of your life. So, embrace the power of body recomposition, and get ready to not only look good but feel good too!

look good feel good

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, body recomposition is a powerful tool for transforming your body and improving your overall well-being. By focusing on building muscle and losing fat, instead of just losing weight, you can achieve a leaner, stronger physique that not only looks good but makes you feel good too. Remember, building muscle while in a calorie deficit takes time, patience, and a well-designed plan, but the end result is worth it. And, don’t forget to celebrate each victory along the way, whether it’s a change in measurements or a boost in self-confidence. So, embrace the journey, have fun, and get ready to see the new and improved you!

To learn more, visit Train Fitness.

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