With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to focus on getting your legs in great shape. Whether you’re planning on hitting the beach, going on a hike, or just want to feel more confident in shorts, incorporating the right leg exercises into your workout routine can help you achieve the toned and defined legs you desire. So let’s dive into some of the best leg exercises for summer-ready legs!

Barbell Squat

The barbell squat is an excellent exercise for building leg strength and size because it targets multiple major muscle groups in the lower body simultaneously. Specifically, it targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

By regularly performing barbell squats, you can develop stronger and more defined legs, which can not only improve your overall physical performance, but also enhance your appearance. Additionally, building leg strength can also help prevent injuries, as stronger legs can better support the joints and prevent strain.

The squat is also a highly functional movement that translates well to everyday activities. By regularly performing squats, you can improve your ability to perform tasks like getting up from a chair, climbing stairs, or lifting heavy objects.

Barbell Squat
Dumbbell Lunges

Dumbbell Lunge

Dumbbell lunges are another effective exercise for building leg strength and size. They primarily target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, making them an excellent choice for developing these major muscle groups.

To perform a dumbbell lunge, start by holding a dumbbell in each hand and standing with your feet hip-width apart. Take a large step forward with your right foot, bending your knee and lowering your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Be sure to keep your front knee in line with your toes and avoid letting it collapse inward. Your back leg should also be bent at the knee, with your back foot resting on the ball of your foot.

Once you reach the bottom of the movement, push through your front heel to return to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch legs and repeat on the other side.

Dumbbell lunges are a unilateral exercise, meaning they work one leg at a time. This can help address any imbalances between the legs and improve overall stability and balance. Additionally, because they require greater stabilization and control than traditional squats, they can be particularly effective for building core strength and improving overall athletic performance.

Leg Press

The leg press is a great exercise for building leg strength and size, making it an effective movement to incorporate into your summer leg routine.

The leg press targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, as well as the calves and hip flexors, making it a highly effective exercise for developing these major muscle groups.

Additionally, the leg press is a machine-based exercise, which means that it allows you to use heavier weights than you might be able to with other exercises. This can help you to challenge your muscles more effectively and promote greater muscle growth and strength gains.

The leg press can also be a particularly effective exercise for individuals with back pain or injuries, as it places less stress on the lower back than exercises like squats or lunges.

Overall, incorporating the leg press into your summer leg routine can be an effective way to build leg strength and size, promote greater muscle growth and strength gains, and reduce the risk of injury. Be sure to consult with a qualified fitness professional to ensure that you are using proper form and technique when performing this exercise.

leg press

Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian split squats are another excellent exercise for building leg strength and size. They primarily target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, making them an effective way to develop these major muscle groups.

To perform a Bulgarian split squat, start by standing with your back facing a bench or elevated surface. Place the top of your left foot on the bench and take a large step forward with your right foot. Your feet should be about hip-width apart, with your front foot planted firmly on the ground.

Keeping your torso upright and your core engaged, lower your body by bending your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Be sure to keep your front knee in line with your toes and avoid letting it collapse inward. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, push through your front heel to return to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch legs and repeat on the other side.

bulgarian split squat


Biking is a fantastic exercise for building leg strength and endurance, making it a great addition to any summer leg routine.

Whether you prefer to ride outdoors or indoors, biking can be an effective way to challenge your legs and improve cardiovascular fitness. Riding a bike outdoors is a great way to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air while also getting in a great workout.

However, if outdoor biking isn’t an option, there are plenty of indoor alternatives, such as the assault bike, that can provide a similar workout. These indoor bikes can be used to perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, which can be particularly effective for building leg strength and endurance.

Biking is also a low-impact exercise, meaning that it places less stress on the joints than other exercises like running or jumping. This makes it a great option for individuals with joint pain or injuries.

Whether you prefer to ride outdoors or indoors, incorporating biking into your summer leg routine can be an effective way to build leg strength and endurance.

leg exercises

Final Thoughts: Best Leg Exercises

Getting in shape for summer means focusing on building strong and toned legs, and there are a variety of effective exercises you can incorporate into your workout routine to achieve this goal.

Some of the best leg exercises include movements like squats, lunges, Bulgarian split squats, and the leg press. These exercises target the major muscle groups in the legs, helping to build strength and size. In addition to strength training, outdoor activities like biking can also be an effective way to challenge your legs and improve cardiovascular fitness. Whether you prefer outdoor or indoor biking, it can be a great way to work your legs and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine.

To learn more, visit Train Fitness.

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