In this article, we’ll dive into some great smith machine exercises that you can do to spice up your workout routine! Let’s dive into it!


In this article, we’ll dive into some great smith machine exercises that you can do to spice up your workout routine! Everything from chest exercises to leg exercises is covered in this article. Let’s dive into it!

Stiff Leg Deadlift

The Stiff leg deadlift can be done on the smith machine rather easily. It consists of placing the bar on the smith machine at about waist height. Stepping forward so that your feet are about hip-width apart and lean over to grip the bar using an overhand grip. Keeping your back straight, lower the bar down towards your shins while keeping your legs straight. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, reverse the motion, and raise the bar back up to the starting position. Repeat for 8-12 reps.


Stiff Leg Deadlift
Smith Machine

Deadlift Alternative

Another deadlift alternative on the smith machine is the barbel row. The barbel row on the smith machine is performed by:

Setting up the smith machine with the bar set at about hip height. You will need to adjust the height of the bar based on your individual height.

Next, step forward so that your feet are about shoulder-width apart and the bar is in front of your thighs. Reach down and grasp the bar with an overhand grip, hands just outside of shoulder width. This will be your starting position.

Keeping your lower back in its natural arch and your head up, drive the bar up towards your upper chest by extending your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Reverse the motion, returning the bar to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

To increase difficulty, you can use a wider grip or add weight to the bar by loading plates onto each side.

Smith Machine Bench Press

The smith machine bench press is properly executed by setting the weight at a comfortable height. Then, lie down on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and grip the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart. When you are ready, lower the barbell towards your chest in a controlled manner. Be sure to keep your elbows close to your sides throughout the entire movement. Once the barbell touches your chest, drive it back up to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

The main benefits of the smith machine bench press are its safety and versatility. Because the barbell is attached to vertical rails, it cannot move excessively in any direction during the exercise. This minimizes your risk of losing control of the weight and injuring yourself. In addition, there are many different variations of the smith machine bench press that you can perform to target different muscle groups in your upper body. For example, you can narrow your grip to target your triceps or use an inclined bench to target your shoulder muscles.

Smith Machine Bench Press
Smith Machine

Seated Good Morning

The seated good morning is a great back exercise that can be performed on the smith machine. To set up for the smith machine seated good morning, place the bar on the pins at about mid-thigh level. You can adjust the height of the pins to accommodate your height. Once the bar is in position, step under it and grab it with an overhand grip, your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath and brace your core. Squeezing the bar hard, pull it off the pins, and let it rest on your traps. This will be your starting position.

From here, exhale and push your hips back as you bend your knees and lower your torso until it is almost parallel to the floor. Inhale as you reverse the motion by pushing your hips forward and extending your knees until you reach the starting position.

Smith Machine Shoulder Press

The smith machine shoulder press is a great exercise for those who are looking to develop their upper body strength.

The smith machine shoulder press is a great exercise for developing your deltoids, triceps, and trapezius muscles. The exercise can be performed with either one arm or two arms. If you are using one arm, you will need to rest your other hand on your hip. If you are using two arms, you will need to grip the bar with both hands. Begin the exercise by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Lower the bar down to your chin level and then press it back up until your arms are straight. Repeat this motion for the desired number of repetitions.

Smith Machine Shoulder Press<br />

All of these exercises can be done with a smith machine, which is found in most gyms. If you don’t have access to a smith machine, free weights can be used as well. Remember to use proper form and start with a light weight so that you don’t injure yourself. Be sure to let us know how these exercises worked out for you!

To learn more, visit Train Fitness.

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