Optimal Rest Times – Optimal rest times between sets can vary based on what your goals are, such as strength, aesthetics, endurance, or weight loss. Learn more about optimal rest times for each type of goal, and the energy sources each type of training enlists below!

rest times for strength and power

Optimal Rest Times For Strength and Power

If your goal is to maximize your strength and reach new one rep maxes, then it is best to rest 2 to 5 minutes between sets, especially for your compound lifts. Since strength-focused training usually centers around lower reps, higher weights, and shorter duration, which is why the longer rest time is beneficial to generate energy and optimize muscle growth. This style of training generally employs the glycolytic energy system, meaning your body breaks down glycogen to resynthesize ATP.

For Hypertrophy

If your goal is for aesthetics and hypertrophy, then it is best to rest between 30 to 90 seconds. Bodybuilders typically perform 8 to 12 reps at 60 to 85 percent of their 1 rep max, and therefore enlists a combination of both the phosphagen and glycolytic systems.

rest times for hypertrophy
rest times for endurance training

For Endurance

If your goal is endurance and weight loss, then it is best to rest 30 seconds or less between sets. You see this often in high intensity interval training (HIIT) or any other form of muscular endurance training that involves 2 to 3 minute sets, or even steady-state cardio. This style of training still utilizes the glycolytic system, but will also start to utilize the oxidative or aerobic system, meaning it utilizes carbohydrates and fats as energy.

Using Different Rest Times

You can always employ multiple of these rest times, such as a combination of longer rest times for compound lifts, mid-range rest times for accessories, and shorter rest times for cardio and HIIT training. This also ties into the rating of perceived exertion (RPE)  you are working at, as well as making sure you are consuming the right foods before and after training to optimize energy levels and recovery. Preworkout meals and post-workout meals are an essential part of your muscle growth and recovery.

optimal rest times

To learn more, visit Train Fitness.