Advice to Beginner Lifters – Things I Wish I Knew at the Start of My Fitness Journey – As someone who has been lifting for over 5 years, there are many lessons I learned early on and much later than I should have. Here are 5 tips and advice for beginners at the start of their fitness journey, and why it’s important to follow them!  

As someone who has been lifting for over 5 years, there are many lessons I learned early on and much later than I should have. Here are 5 tips and advice for beginners at the start of their fitness journey, and why it’s important to follow them! 

5 Things I Wish I Knew at the Start of My Fitness Journey

1. Take Progress Photos

One thing I definitely regret not doing more of, was to take “before” and progress photos. Looking back now, I felt too insecure to take photos at the start of my fitness journey, and I regret not having better photos to compare and show how far I’ve come. Filming yourself working out is another great way to document progress, and it can also help to assess your form when performing an exercise.

take progress photos
eat enough protein

2. Eat More Protein

Even when I felt like I was eating enough protein, I definitely wasn’t maximizing my protein intake throughout the day up until I started tracking macros for the purpose of improving my protein intake. Tracking macros isn’t always necessary, but having a good estimate of how much protein you’re consuming is very important! 

3. More Does NOT Equal Better

It’s easy to fall into the mindset that more equals better, especially at the start of your fitness journey. When I first got into lifting, I trained every single day with little to no breaks, and faced a lot of plateaus and overuse injuries.


You’ll later realize how important rest days are and that it is vital to listen to your body when you’re tired. Instead of working out 7 days a week, figure out a schedule that works best for you and your body, and listen to your body’s queues when it is fatigued. Ample rest is crucial for muscle recovery and growth.

4. Don’t Ego-Lift and Focus on Your Form

Obviously we all want to progress and lift heavier weights – but lifting heavier isn’t always better, especially when you are sacrificing your form and increasing the risk of injury. Start with lighter weights and master the form and mind-to-muscle connection before progressing towards heavier weights! This is incredibly important to avoid injury and create sustainable, long-term progress.

don't ego lift

5. Advice to Beginner Lifters – Don’t Be Shy 

The majority of the people in the gym, if not all, are there to improve and maintain their physical health and become stronger. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about equipment to staff, ask people for a spot, or to wear a certain outfit to the gym! The gym is a safe space, and often has a fantastic community of people. Asking for a spot for a difficult lift,  or even just asking for tips or advice is a very useful resource! 

To learn more, visit Train Fitness.


gym friends